
  • Prasad V., David D.J., Santoreneos S., Moore M.H., "Surgical implications of the anteriorly displaced segments of the anterior cerebral artery in the management of Frontoethmoidal Meningoencephalocele-Australian Craniofacial Unit experience", J Craniofac. Surg (submitted for publication)
  • Nandoskar P., Coghlan P., Moore M.H., Ximenes J., Karnon J., Watters D., "The economic value of the delivery of primary cleft surgery", In: Timor Leste 2000- 2016, World J Surg (submitted for publication)
  • Breik O., Mahindu A., Moore M.H., Molloy C.J., Santoreneos S, David D.J., "Apert syndrome: Craniofacial and Neurosurgical intervenions and outcomes", J CranioMaxFac Surg, 2016
  • Breik O., Mahindu A., Moore M.H., Molloy C.J., Santoreneos S., David D.J., "Central nervous system and cervical spine abnormalities in Apert syndrome", Childs Nerv Syst 32: 833- 838, 2016, DOI 10.1007/s00381-016-3036-z
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  • Anderson P., Snell B., Moore M.H., "Muencke syndrome with Cleft Lip and Palate", J. Craniofacial Surgery 24: 1484-1485, 2013
  • Snell B.J., Flapper W., Moore M., Anderson P., David D.J., "Management of Isolated Fractures of the Medial Orbital Wall", J. Craniofacial surgery, 24: 291-294, 2013
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  • Anderson P.J., Netherway D.J., Abbott A., Moore M.H., David D.J., "Mandibular Lengthening by Distraction for Airway Obstruction in Treacher Collins Syndrome: the long term result", J. Craniofac. Surg. 15: 1: 47-50, 2004
  • Rojvachiranonda N., David D.J., Moore M.H., Cole J., "Frontoethmoidal Encephalomeningocele: new morphological findings and a new classification", J. Craniofac. Surg 14: 847-858, 2003
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  • Abbott AH., Netherway D.J., Niemann D.B., Clark B., Yamamoto M.,Cole J., Hanieh A., Moore M.H., David D.J., "CT -determined Intracranial Volume for a Normal Population", J. Craniofac. Surg. 11: 211-223, 2000


  • O'Sullivan S.T., Snyder B.J., Moore M.H., David D.J., "Outcome Measurement of the Treatment of Maxillary Fractures: a perspective analysis of 100 consecutive cases", Brit. J. Plast. Surg. 52: 519-523, 1999
  • Muraka A., Moore M.H., "Coincident Metopic Synostosis And Deformational Plagiocephaly", J. Craniofac. Surg. 10: 473-474, 1999
  • Savarirayan R, Thompson E.M., Abbott K.J., Moore M.H., "Cerebral Cortical Dysplasia And Digital Constriction Rings In Adams Oliver Syndrome", Amer. J. Med. Genet. 86: 15-19, 1999
  • Menard RM., Moore M.H., David D.J., "Tissue Expansion In The Reconstruction Of Tessier Craniofacial Clefts-A Series Of Seventeen Patients", Plast. Reconstr. Surg 103: 779-786, 1999
  • Abbott AH., Netherway D.J., Moore M.H., Menard R.M., Cameron R.A., Lafelice E., Hanieh A., David D.J., "Computer Tomography Determined Intracranial Volume of Infants with Deformational Plagiocephaly: A Useful 'Normal'?", J. Craniofac. Surg. 9: 493-503, 1998
  • Moore M.H., Abbott A.H., Netherway D.J., Menard R., Hanieh A., "Bilambdoid and Posterior Sagittal Synostosis-The Mercedes Benz Syndrome", J. Craniofac. Surg. 9: 417-422, 1998
  • Yamamoto M., Moore M.H., Hanieh A., "Growing Skull Fracture After Cranial Vault Reshaping In Infancy", J. Craniofac. Surg. 9: 73-75, 1998
  • Coady M.S.E., Moore M.H., Wallis K., "Amniotic Band Syndrome: The Association Between Rare Facial Clefts And Limb Ring Constrictions", Plast. Reconstr. Surg. 101: 640-649, 1998
  • Abbott AH., Netherway D.J., Moore M.H., David D.J., "Intracranial Volume Of Patients With Craniosynostosis: Preliminary Results", Proceedings Of Human Evolution Conference. Adelaide 1997, In: Townsend G. & Kieser J. (Eds), "Perspectives in Human Biology" 4 (3) 167-1999
  • Moore M.H., "Localised Vitiligo And Fronto-Ethmoidal Meningo-Encephalocele", J. Craniofac. Surg. 8: 78-79, 1997
  • Holten I.W.R, Smith A,W., Isaacs J.D., Moore M.H., David D.J., "Imaging Of The Apert Syndrome Hand Using 3d Ct And Mri", Plast. Reconstr. Surg. 99: 1675-1680, 1997
  • Moore M.H., David D.J., "Fronto-Orbital Advancement For Apert Syndrome In Infancy-Why?", Asian J. Surg. 20: 19-24,1997
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  • Moore M.H., Abbott AH., "Extradural Deadspace After Infant Fronto-Orbital Advancement In Apert Syndrome", Cleft Pal. Craniofac. J. 33: 202-205 , 1996
  • Proudman T.W., Clark B.E., Moore M.H., Abbott AH., David D.J., "Central Nervous System Imaging In Crouzon Syndrome", J. Craniofac. Surg. 6: 401-405, 1995
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  • Moore M.H., Lodge M.L., Clark B.E., "Spinal Anomalies In Pfeiffer Syndrome", Cleft Pal. Craniofac. J. 32: 251-254, 1995
  • Hanieh A., Moore M.H., "Immaturity And Senescence", In: David D.J. And Simpson D.A (Ed.), "Craniomaxillofacial Trauma", Churchill Livingstone, 501-528, 1995
  • Edwards R.M., David D.J., Tomich J., Moore M.H., "Emergency Management", In: David D.J. And Simpson D.A (Ed), "Craniomaxillofacial Trauma", Churchill Livingstone, 219-232, 1995
  • Trott J.A., Moore M.H., David D.J., "Facial Fractures", In: David D.J. And Simpson D.A (Ed), "Craniomaxillofacial Trauma", Churchill Livingstone, 263-342, 1995
  • Moore M.H., Cantrell S.B., Trott J.A., David D.J., "Pfeiffer Syndrome: A Clinical Review", Cleft Pal. Craniofac. J. 32: 62-71, 1995
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  • Cantrell S.B., Moore M.H., Trott J.A., Morris R., David D.J., "Phenotypic Variation In Acrocephalosyndactyly Syndrome: Unusual Findings In A Patient With Features Of Apert And Saethre- Chotzen Syndromes", Cleft Pal. Craniofac. J. 31: 487-493, 1994
  • Proudman T.W., Moore M.H.,Abbott AH., David D.J., "Non-Craniofacial Manifestations Of Crouzon Syndrome", J. Craniofac. Surg. 5: 218-222,1994
  • Moore M.H., Guzman-Stein G., Proudman T.W., Abbott A.H., Netherway D.J., David D.J., "Mandibular Lengthening By Distraction For Airway Obstruction In Treacher Collins Syndrome", J. Craniofac. Surg. 5: 22-25, 1994
  • Moore M.H., Blackwell S., Butterworth M., "The Frontal Sinus In Fronto-Ethmoidal Meningo-Encephalocele", J. Craniofacial Surg. 5: 185-187, 1994
  • Moore M.H., Hanieh A,. "Hydrocephalus In Pfeiffer Syndrome", J. Clin. Neuroscience 1: 202-204, 1994
  • Lirn L.H., Lam L.K., Moore M.H., Trott J.A., David D.J., "Associated Injuries In Facial Fractures: Review Of 839 Patients", Brit. J. Plast. Surg. 46: 635-638, 1993
  • Lim L.H., Moore M.H., Trott J.A., David D.J., "Sports-Related Facial Fractures: A Review Of 137 Patients", Aust N.Z. J. Surg. 63: 784-789, 1993
  • Moore M.H., Lodge M.L., David D. J., "Basal Encephaloceles: Imaging And Exposing The Occult Hernia", Brit. J. Plast. Surg. 46: 497-502, 1993
  • Moore M.H., "Upper Airway Obstruction In The Syndromal Craniosynostoses", Brit. J. Plast. Surg. 46: 355-362, 1993
  • Moore M.H., Hawker P.B., "Bio-Integrated Hydroxylapatite-Coated Implant Fixation of Facial Prostheses", Annals Plast. Surg. 31: 233-237, 1993
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  • Lodge M.L., Moore M.H., Hanieh A., Trott J.A., David D.J., "The Cloverleaf Skull Anomaly: Managing Extreme Cranio-Orbito-Faciostenosis", Plast. Reconstr. Surg. 91: 1-9, 1993
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  • Abbott J.R., Moore M.H., David D.J., "The Influence Of The Maxillary Canine On Mandibular Fracture", J. Cranio-Facial Surg. 3: 141-144,1992
  • Harries R.H.C., Moore M.H., Bagnall AD., David D.J., "Posterior Pharyngeal Tattooing: Localising The Implant In Velopharyngeal Incompetence", Brit. J. Plast. Surg. 45: 324-326, 1992
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  • Moore M.H., "Non-Adjacent Syndactyly In The Congenital Constriction Band Syndrome", J. Hand Surg. 17 (A): 21-23, 1992
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  • Moore M.H., Abbott J.R David D.J., "The Missing Maxilla: Restoring Aesthetic Harmony With Mandibular Surgery", J. Cranio-Facial Surgery 2: 95-100, 1991
  • David D.J., Nugent M.AC., Moore M.H., "Maxillary And Mandibular Surgery: Aesthetics Versus The Occlusion", In Ousterhout O.K. (Ed.) "Aesthetic Contouring Of The Craniofacial Skeleton", Little Brown & Co. 544 -558, 1991
  • Moore M.H., Tan E., Reilly P., David D.J., "Fronto-Facial Advance With A Free Flap: Deadspace Versus Drainage", J. Cranio-Facial Surgery 2: 33-37, 1991
  • David D.J., Moore M.H., "Fractures Of The Forehead And Anterior Cranial Base", Facial Plastic Surg. 7: 152-158, 1990
  • Moore M.H., David D.J., "Cranio-Facial Deformation In Cystic Hygroma", J. Cranio-Facial Surg. 1: 97-102,1990
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  • Moore M.H., David D.J., Cooter RD., "Oblique Cranio-Facial Fractures In Children", J. Cranio-Facial Surg. 1: 4-7,1990
  • Katsaros J., David D.J., Griffin P.A., Moore M.H., "Facial Dysmorphology in the Neglected Paediatric Head and Neck Burn", Brit. J. Plast. Surg. 43: 232-235,1990


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